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Showing posts from August, 2011

l0vely r0ses~

asSalamualaikum,,, entri kali nie,, aku nak paste pasal bunge r0s,, heheh!! da name p0wn paste kan,, aku c0py p0wn kat fesbuk,,, ^_^ (muke x besalah) *************************************************************************************************************** < j0m kiter c0lour kan ik0t feberet masing2 > Dear R0se C0l0ur Curi0us, Yes, it is indeed true that each r0se c0l0ur has its 0wn unique meaning. This presents a great 0pp0rtunity t0 send a message al0ng with y0ur th0ughtful gift. Here are the c0l0ur meanings: Red R0se This 0ne is the m0st 0bvi0us. It means "I l0ve y0u." It represents r0mance and l0ve. Deep pink this simply means "thank y0u". If s0me0ne y0u kn0w d0es s0mething nice f0r y0u, a deep pink r0se is a g00d way f saying "thank yu". Regular Pink A pink r0se represents happiness. It's great t0 give a pink r0se t0 a partner t0 say, "I'm very happy with 0ur relati0nship." Light Pink A...


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